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Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Lake and Three Harbors: 72 Hours in Maine in The Nutshell Pram, 1 of 4 Posts: China, Lake

A Lake and Three Harbors

72 Hours in Maine in The Nutshell Pram

The First of 4 Posts

The Bridal Party Arrives by Boat

When our dear family friend decided to marry the second of two men named Jack in China, Maine on a Thursday in July we did not think we could make it due to kids, work, and life in general. In the end, we RSVP'd late, missed the deadline for the publication of "the gift" (a recipe book filled with recipes and photos of all invited guests) but lucked out and slipped into a cabin bunk with a very hospitable couple that we had never met. Later for all those things, we made sure we were early for the wedding so that we could put the MRII on the lake before the festivities began.

The wind was up when we arrived after a 3 hour ride from our home base of Exeter, NH. After two years of carrying the MRII on the Ford Focus to lakes and harbors around New England, we have the process down to a science. As long as we can find parking and a put-in spot (any flat piece of land abutting water) the MRII can be ready to sail in under 15 minutes.

China Lake is a 3845 acre lake with property in Vasselboro and China, Maine which are northeast of Augusta, Maine. This is a beautiful lake. It is longer then wide and is very undeveloped along the shore. We put in at the beach at China Lake Cabins but according to there are two access sites open to the public on China Lake. "There is an improved boat launch facility located in Vassalboro on the west basin near the outlet and a site located at the north end of the lake in the town of China.”

MRII Finds a Friend

The wind can be fickle on lakes and rivers and though we tried to catch a ride, the second day on China Lake was a bust for us. We packed her up early and made for the Maine coast. Next stop, Belfast.

On China Lake

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